Friday, August 30, 2013

I Do

Another reason why more American Marriages are still failing?

Those famous or infamous words (Depending on one’s current point of view) that joins us to another person for life, through both good and bad times till death do us part. Today, at present, in 2013, it is estimated that some 48% of marriages fail. Many blame today’s new social-media influences on our American society. But coupled with that, what I believe is a simpler reason that explains why marriage no longer has the weight it once had, and that reason is ORDER. In some of my earlier literary works I speak a great deal of order, Natural Order. You see, one of my main tenants of belief is that man did not, could not have evolved solely and unaided from apes. What many people don't realize is that some 98% of all life that has ever lived on planet earth is now extinct. All of the organisms that are left are still here because their perspective species have a niche, an order by which they live and survive. If man truly evolved as Darwinist assert, then why do we have no order and why have we evolved OUTSIDE of our given environment? Meaning, why do we wear clothes, need screwdrivers, and such? The only plausible reason is that we are not truly from this environment. Yet that's another story for another time. 
       At present we are talking about why marriages, at least in the Unites States no longer last as long as they used to. I said the reason was that we are no longer operating in order, the particular order in which marriage was founded. Meaning, the original order of matrimony, the one wherein the husband, the man, cares and provides for his wife and family. Well, what if the main factor, the ultimate reason people, women in particular got married for in the first place no longer existed? This would mean it’s not a failure of the church or God, just that the original INTENT needs to be modified. Here we go; the original intent was for a woman to find a man she cared for and loved who would and could take care of her and their children. The true Marriage ceremony itself, symbolizes a snapshot of a MAN, coming in and taking care of and providing shelter for his woman. With some 83% of American women now very self sufficient and by the time they are thirty, having their own homes, careers, cars, and yes, children, what is a man now needed for outside of propagation? Seriously, if the very core dynamics of marriage has changed, and the ceremony and beliefs have not, it’s no wonder today’s marriages are failing. As any sound organization or covenant would fail if the nexus of what it stood for; was founded for, is no longer valid. So, as it should be in any heterosexual relationship, it’s up to the woman, or as today’s relationships go, up to whichever partner decides to be subordinate to the other. It is up to them to decide just exactly what it is they want in life, and guess what, if they don’t know, it’s never going to manifest. So, as long as our American society continues on its head-long plummet toward ever increasing self-gratification. 
Couples in weddings will continue to say “I Do”, when they really DON’T.

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